Social Media Addiction

In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of teenagers' lives, providing a platform for communication, self-expression, and connection. While the benefits of social media are undeniable, there is a growing concern about the negative health consequences associated with its addictive use among teenagers. Acknowledging this uncomfortable reality, it is imperative for teenagers to understand the risks of social media addiction, particularly its potential impact on academic performance.


  • Disturbed sleep patterns, which can lead to fatigue and diminished brain function during the day
  • Decreased academic focus from the allure of constant notifications
  • Increased stress and anxiety from comparison culture
  • Increased procrastination, distracting students from studying efficiently


The detrimental effects of social media addiction on both mental health and academic performance are impossible to deny. As teenagers navigate a crucial period of academic development, it is vital to recognize the potential pitfalls associated with excessive social media use.

Possible Solutions

  • Establish healthy screen time limits to balance online and offline activities
  • Encourage real life connections and activity
  • Educate people about the harms of social media addiction, as it's become so normalized